Summertime Tips to Keep the Sun from Wreaking Havoc on Your Skin

Summer is a time for lounging at the beach or by the pool, living in shorts or bathing suits, and spending long hours outdoors. Though being in the sun may feel good, the effects of the sun’s rays are not: Prolonged sun exposure can cause premature wrinkling, burns, and even skin cancer if you don’t take preventive measures to protect yourself.

The staff at Monarque Health and Wellness in Ashland, Oregon understands your love of outdoor summer activities, but also wants you to enjoy them by reducing your risk of sun damage as much as possible. Here are just a few ways you can reduce your risk for burns and skin cancers:

Wear sunscreen, even when it’s cloudy.

The sun can still reach you through the clouds, which means you aren’t completely in the clear without sunscreen. Put on sunscreen 15-30 minutes before you go outside – at least one ounce worth. Consider also using lip balm, moisturizer, or makeup that uses SPF. Doctors recommend using sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) that is 30 or higher.

Reapply sunscreen regularly.

Sunscreen is not a “one and done” protection method. If you sweat throughout the day (and it’s summer, so you will) or go swimming, you will need to reapply it every hour or so to maintain optimum protection.

Wear a hat.

Even with sunscreen, wearing a hat with a brim can further protect your face from sun damage.

Spend time in the shade.

If you feel yourself starting to overheat, make sure to find a cool, shaded area. Children and babies should especially be kept out of prolonged, direct sun exposure and kept fully covered.

Limit your sun exposure.

The sun is most intense between 10am and 4pm. The sun’s rays are at their strongest when your shadow is shorter than you. If you notice this, find a cool, shaded spot in which to spend time for a while.

Wear long sleeves and pants.

Covering your skin is the best way to avoid sun damage when spending time outside. Fortunately, there are plenty of materials that are “sun-friendly,” meaning the material is light and made of sun-protective materials, which will keep you from overheating.

Wear sunglasses.

Find a pair with 99-100% UV absorption, which both protects your eyes and the skin around them.

Learn more about sun protection or have your mole inspected.

If you notice a mole that has suddenly changed color or appearance, you can schedule an appointment by calling 541-552-1111, or book your appointment online. We look forward to hearing from you. 

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